Services Offered

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Creating relief in your body and balancing the body to perform at optimum, experiencing the wholeness you so richly deserve.  Manual therapy is a technique using Myofascial release, a very gentle and very effective way to release tissue locked deep within the body. Trigger Point therapy for the release of knots and sensitive areas when touched.  Neuromuscular Technique to reset the function of the muscles. Decreasing scar tissue and inflammation that ensues with injury.

Have A Look At Our

Massage Therapy Center

You deserve the best massage by a professional. True relaxation to optimize you!



A modality used to stimulate the Meridians with in your body, opening the flow of Chi in your entire body. This is accomplished treating the feet and hands using the focal points of reflexology.


Essential oils

The use of essential oils for the treatment for the entire body.
Very powerful, harmonizing, and rejuvenating. (1)


Cupping is the use of different cups, glass, magnetic and silicone cups to release adhered tissue do to trauma, scaring that causes inflexibility, which are released to help with over all function after surgeries.



Energy work to re-align the chakras and to help with inner healing.

Educational Kinesiology

Subconscious re connects from brain to body due to trauma physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The subconscious holds onto the trauma and it can create discord and imbalances with in the muscles and organs, which inhibits the body to work at optimum. Total Core Re-patterning is beneficial to reconnect the brain to muscles after accidents and injury. Other kinesiology balances are beneficial physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.


Been a licensed massage therapist in the State of Washington since 1999, I work with young clients for injury from sports as well as adults, both male and female.

I strive to deliver a level of service that exceeds the expectations of our customers.

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